Do you deliver?

We do! Check out our delivery information here.

Can I order online?

Unfortunately at this time we don’t offer online shopping.
You can see our recent arrivals on our social media pages, or give us a call in store to make an order.

I’m looking for something specific, can you find it for me?

We’ll definitely try! Our staff pride themselves on finding high quality plants and have worked hard to maintain relationships with our many growers. We order from our customer wish list every week, so if there’s something rare or unusual on your list, we’ll do our best to source it!

Can I bring my dog to the nursery?

Yes. Please.

When do white Hydrangeas arrive?

We generally get our first batch of Hydrangeas in late October/early November. Due to their seasonal nature, Hydrangea stock is limited every year. So for you eager beavers, make sure to put your name down from September to ensure you get the colours and sizes you want! Our staff will call you as soon as our first batch arrives.

What about Cyclamen?

Cyc’s usually start arriving around the beginning of March and start becoming limited after Mother’s day (May).

Can I get to your nursery on public transport?

Yes! The number 6 tram stops right on our doorstep!
Jump off at stop #47, Dixon St/High St.

Do you offer discounts?

Members of Open Gardens Victoria receive a one time discount with presentation of their valid membership and discount card.
Members of the Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens of Melbourne receive a year round discount on greenlife with presentation of their valid membership.
*Please note: Proof of valid membership must be presented to receive your discount.

I want something from a certain brand, do you stock it?

We’re a local stockist for many brands, check out some of them here.