Rose pruning guide
Roses are not only among the most popular – and beautiful – of all garden plants, they are also the most forgiving. They are also extraordinarily tough. Make a brutal blunder while pruning them at any time of the year and they not only recover, but may bloom even better than ever.
Pruning miniature roses
Pruning is simple. Cut them back removing about 2/3 of the top growth. You can even use hedge clippers and finish off by snipping out any dead material.
Pruning ground cover roses
Ground cover roses are also called landscaping roses. Many of this form, such as the flower carpet rose, bloom almost all year round. All are grown on their roots, so suckering can’t occur. Prune ruthlessly, so that a cluster of rough-cut stubble like stems remain. It may look drastic, but they will bounce back. Brilliant displays of massed blooms start again in early Spring and if dead headed, will flower through Summer into Autumn.
Information source: Gardening Australia